my family is not broken

a new way to view separation and divorce.

ex caddy-the response January 12, 2011

Many of you emailed me to ask how my friend responded to the darling request to drive her ex husband’s and his girlfriend’s golf clubs to the airport for their trip.

Her daughter actually asked her- “Were you hurt by this, mom?” To which she responded “Much of what happens in life you can cry or laugh at. I chose to laugh at this.”

I am extremely impressed.

However, I am still  pretty sure I would have worked hard to fit those clubs into a nice tight spot in with him.

words for Wednesday- check out my other post with useful tactic in dealing with the above request by clicking here


4 Responses to “ex caddy-the response”

  1. Lisa Says:

    Right Nance! The whole shaft would disappear! Good one as usual today.

  2. With an ex husband in my life who can oddly ask for stupid things at times…and more over lobby stupid accusatory question at my ability to parent I have learned to laugh…because the alternate is just not worth it! Any amount of time I spend fretting over his actions is time taken away from achieving my life goals and dreams…and I have already allowed him to take enough away from me.

    If you wanna laugh…my all time favorite accusation was that I don’t bathe my kids because he picked up our 5 year old daughter from school one day and she had marker on her hands!!!! WTF!!! yeah no kidding ROTFLMAO….the reality is that he parents 4 days a month…he apparently doesn’t get that kids do that stuff…lol!

    Loving your blog as always Nancy!

    • nancy Says:

      Exactly, carrie. This is truly hilarious stuff. But you are taking the high road- very good. We have a limit to our energy and cannot spend too much of it in the muck.
      thanks for reading and commenting

  3. nancy Says:

    Ha! xox to you lis
    thanks for reading!

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