my family is not broken

a new way to view separation and divorce.

better off September 2, 2011

New friend comes over to pick up some books and mentions with a little gulp, that she is newly separated.

“I am so sorry” I say. “I had no idea”

It is 5 years for me in a matter of days so I figure everyone knows- besides I write about it- but just in case, I declare ” You know, I am divorced.”

You all know how I have come to love that moment. It is like I am the ambassador  to the UN. The UN – marrieds, that is.

She is clearly shocked.

Why shocked, I always wonder. Does our happiness, peace,  and stability look more married than single?

I tell her- it is okay , we are good and life is wonderful and that it had to be and we are all better off this way.

I turn around and my children are there.

How can they tiptoe at times like faeries and stomp like elephants at others?

I don’t  hide anything from them but I do try to be sensitive to their version of life.

When new friend left I said to them- “Was that okay that I said that?”

‘Yes’ they both said smiling. ‘Because it is the truth.’

She dropped in unexpectedly the next day too and asked me a question that left me speechless. Click here for that rare moment


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