my family is not broken

a new way to view separation and divorce.

that perfect gift April 6, 2010

A friend has just sat you down to tell you they have split with their spouse. You know how to behave- I have given you some very good ways to react (the receiving of my telling) and just listening is a good option if you are short of clever things to say.

Sometimes though a gift is a nice thing to do. It is a tangible way of saying “I feel your pain” or “I am so very sorry”. Or perhaps “I always thought he/she was an idiot”.

This lovely knife holder, called “the Ex” -will bring humour, hours of julienning and most certainly colour to any kitchen counter.

The perfect thing for  Tiger Woods wife, and Sandra Bullock -as they likely will enjoy the placement of the razor sharp bread knife.


5 Responses to “that perfect gift”

  1. Patti Says:

    Holy Tremendous, Batman!!! This is amazeballs!!! I have sooooo many girlfriends who are recently divorced or just getting started, and what an awesome thing to laugh at through the process!!!

    Thank you for the amazing blog!

  2. Idas Says:

    Also pertinent for those with or getting over a nasty boss. I wish I could order a rotund one to remind me of a colleague past.

  3. bitsy Says:


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